Forms & Information

WWG South will be held over the 21st and 22nd May 2016, at
Potato Point, Eurobodalla National ParkSee Map.

Supervision of Youth Members:

All youth members (Scouts & Venturers) are required to nominate a responsible leader who is present for the entire weekend and able to supervise members as required. The leader is not required to be from the same Group, but cannot also be responsible for another youth section at WWG (i.e. Venturer Units cannot nominate a Scout Leader supervising Scouts). For Scout patrols, one leader is expected for every 2 patrols.

Attendees are asked to review our advice on Ticks available here.


To register your Troop/Group in the event, we require the following by the Friday 6th May 2016:

  1. A signed Activity Notification Form for each member attending (obtained below).
  2. An entry fee of $20.00 per Scout, $20.00 per Venturer, $15.00 per Rover/Leader registered.
  3. Catering fee ($30/person) for Venturers/Rovers/Leaders who opted for Catering.
  4. A completed WWG South VIII EMS Registration (one per group, Leader/PL responsibility)
  5. A printed receipt of the Online Registration, E1s and any Money sent to: SC&T WWG Committee, P/O Box 171, Unanderra, 2526 by Friday 6th May 2016.

Late registrations will be considered, but note that a late fee of $5.00 applies after this date. Catering is NOT available for late registrations.

Payment Options:

  • Cash – posted with E1s and Registration Receipt.
  • Cheque – posted with E1s and Registration Receipt – Account: Sth Coast & Tablelands Reg Rover Council.
  • Direct Deposit – Name: Sth Coast & Tablelands Reg Rover Council. BSB: 814 282. AC: 3110 4409 – One transaction per group prior to closing date and an email sent to confirming transfer.


Leaders should read the Leader’s Information form and Scouts (PL’s especially) should read the Scout Information form. These, and all other required forms can be downloaded from the links below in Adobe Reader formats.